Film Processing Recipie
Reversal Film Recipe (black & white film)
Devpeloped film will be the opposite of a negative developed film. E.g. Black bits are projcected as black , and white bits as white - just like slide film. The process has three steps. (please use rubber gloves when handling chemicals and process film in a well vetaliated area)
Step 1: In darkness, develop a negative image.
Step 2: Use a bleach to change the black parts of the negative to clear (white).
Step 3: Expose the film to light and develop again. This changes the original white parts of the negative to black.
Developer to last 10 processing runs or 2 weeks:
-1600ml water
-180ml Ilford PQ universal developer
-1 heaped 2.5 ml teaspoon of additive
the additive can be-
-KSCN or potsassium thiocyanide (creates normal toning but is poisionous)
-Hypo crystal, fix powder or sodium thiosulphate
-10ml fix liquid
-do without additive but add 40% to the developing time
Bleach: makes 1 liter.
-1 teaspoon of potassium dichromate
-1 molar sulphuric or nitric acid
Acid is available as car battery acid. 1 molar is roughly 130ml of battery acid into 700ml of water - then top up with water to 1 liter. Always add acid to water, it can splash if you do it the other way around.
Stain clearing bath:
-2 teaspoons of sulphate chemical in 1.8 liters of water
possible sulphates- sodium sulphate, sodium bisuphite or sodium metabisulphite (available in shops as a homebrewers sterilising agent)
-keep all equipment dust free
-tanks must hold over 1 liter of chemical
-the most critical step is the processing time for the first developer